Medal of Honor | Xbox 360
The title Medal of Honor is reused in this modern installment of the long running series of the same name. For the first time, the series leaves the Second World War. This time, the portrayed conflict is the war in Afghanistan conducted by the NATO forces against the Taliban army of that country, a war that was still on at the time the game was released.
The game plays like many other realistic war FPS in the Call of Duty or Medal of Honor series, with the player taking the role of various different soldiers within small squads who have to obey the precise instructions given by the squad leader. In the current game, we follow the attempts of Colonel Drucker to capture a valley full of talibans with his commanding officer, General Flagg, pushing him to do it in less than two days. The player takes the role of soldiers "Rabbit" and "Deuce" within AFO (Advanced Force Operations) Neptune and Wolfpack respectively for the subtle missions and ranger Adams in the direct confrontation missions.
All of the basics of any modern warfare shooter are here. There are driven missions (on quad bikes), missions in which the player has to mark targets to aircraft artillery, zones requiring night-vision, stealth mission, etc. The same way, the game features a class-based multiplayer experience where the player's avatar levels up and gains new skills by earning experience points during gameplay. The classes are Rifleman, Special Ops and Sniper and the two available teams are the Coallition, representing NATO forces and the Opposing Forces, representing the Taliban.
The single player campaign and multiplayer parts of the game have been developed by different studios, Danger Close the first one and DICE the second one.
- Vendor: Xbox
- Type: Xbox Games