Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory | Sony PlayStation 2 | PS2
Covert specialist Sam Fisher faces the escalating threat of information warfare, in
Ubisoft's second stunning Splinter Cell sequel.
In 2008, modern warfare has become a battle of - and for - information that threatens to
throw the world out of balance. To counter new information attacks originating in North
Korea, Third Echelon deploys elite Splinter Cell Sam Fisher, a highly skilled covert operative
deep into hostile territory to collect critical intelligence by any means necessary.
Tom Clancy's name on gaming titles is rapidly becoming synonymous with outstanding
gameplay and cutting-edge visual quality. This third episode in the Splinter Cell series is no
Like its precursors, Chaos Theory is a stealth action game, sporting superbly detailed
locations brought to life by some of the best dynamic lighting ever witnessed in a game.
Once more, players will find themselves immersed in this unstable geopolitical environment
as the thrilling storyline unfolds.
Supporting the intriguing plot and atmospheric visuals is a wealth of features, including
totally open levels and secondary objectives that add immense replay value. Adding to the
challenge of sneaking through the hostile environments is the advanced enemy AI, which
now sees your foes remembering their environment and past events.
Sam also comes equipped with a bevy of hi-tech weaponry and gadgets, and his range of
athletic and stealth skills have been expanded further still, making for an incredibly fluid,
hyper-real experience.
Split-screen two-player cooperative missions make for a stark contrast to the lonely
crusade of the 'regular' covert operations, requiring teamwork and careful coordination to
If playing well with others is not your thing the evolved online two-on-two versus
multiplayer option will be. All semblance of cooperation goes out the window as you take
on friends in one of two game modes (scenario and disk hunt) as either stealthy Shadow
Net Spies or heavily armed Argus Mercenaries.
- Incredible graphics and dynamic lighting effects
- Involving storyline with many twists
- Enhanced AI characters that interact naturally with their environments and remember
events - All- new cooperative play options that rely on good teamwork and planning
- Evolved online multiplayer versus modes with new environments and moves
- Vendor: PlayStation
- Type: PlayStation Games
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