Blast Corps | N64 | Nintendo 64

Blast Corps | N64 | Nintendo 64

Get out of the way! A nuclear missile carrier is out of control on a one way-set path, and unless that path is cleared, it will explode as soon as it makes contact with anything, destroying the world. It is up to you to clear the path so that nothing gets in the way of the Carrier.

Blast Corps is a mix of an action and a puzzle game where destruction is key. At the start of each level the player is given a certain vehicle (ranging from robotic suits to trucks or bulldozers), and are told to clear the path for the Carrier. Players need to use their heavy-duty equipment to destroy any buildings, structures, or monuments that stand in the path of the Carrier. The difficulty increases as progress is made, though. Smaller vehicles don't affect certain buildings, and sometimes it's not even a building that's in the way. The player must use the resources around them to clear the path. Players may need a train flatbed to fill a gap, or a crane to move boxes out of the way. The Carrier is always moving, so once the player is done destroying one obstruction, they must get to the next one quickly. While players pursue their mission, they must also find six scientists scattered throughout the globe to form a think-tank to solve the problem. The Carrier has to leave Earth, and it's your job to ensure that it will!


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