Naughty Bear: Double Trouble | Sony PlayStation 3 | PS3
Naughty Bear is a third-person action game with a theme similar to Happy Tree Friends or Conker's Bad Fur Day, where cute, plushy animals act more violently than they usually do - mixing dark humour with over-the-top violence. Players control the eponymous bear to gain as many points as possible by doing naughty things, generally a euphemism for killing other animals and destroying their possessions. The game is set on Perfection Island where teddy bears live happily. Naughty is somewhat of an outsider because of his demeanour and he is the only one not invited to the birthday party of Daddles. He tries to go anyway, crafting a present for the occasion, but his gift is ridiculed by two other bears, Chubby and Giggles, and he sulkily goes back home, plotting for revenge.
- Vendor: PlayStation
- Type: PlayStation Games